Stepping Stones provides newsletters once a month to help keep parents informed about topics coming up, or just to share reminders that will make the setting run even more smoothly for the children.
Recent parent newsletters are available to download below:​
September 2024 - download by clicking here
October 2024 - download by clicking here
November 2024 - download by clicking here
December 2024 - download by clicking here
January 2025 - download by clicking here​
Please let a member of the team know if there is any particular type of information that you would find it most helpful for the newsletters to contain.
Helpful information leaflets
Please take a moment to download and read these information leaflets and guides. We thought it would be easier for parents/carers to access them online at relevant times rather than having yet more paper handed out in the children's bags! As always please speak to a member of the team if you want to discuss anything further. Always open for questions, big or small!​
Current leaflets:
Parent survey
The management and committee conduct an annual parent survey to help ensure that we can offer the best service possible for the Stepping Stones children, fitting in with our commitment to continuous improvement. Even though OFSTED have rated us Good, we want to be sure that we know in as much detail as possible what all the parents think too! Thank you to everyone who filled out this survey, it is incredibly helpful to us.